The Earth is stumbling scared
around the depressed Sun.
Our every new day is
a lethal, loaded gun.
around the depressed Sun.
Our every new day is
a lethal, loaded gun.
To pray is waste of time,
there are unequal odds...
It's now a war between
the humans and their gods.
there are unequal odds...
It's now a war between
the humans and their gods.
Háborús idők
Közönyös ég alatt
botladozik a Föld.
Minden új nap fegyver,
s ő mindig újra tölt.
Az ima nem segít,
nincs mosoly, nincs zene...
Háborúban áll most
az ember s istene.
Mãe passa a frente do s vosso s filhos do mundo inteiro e livramos desta pandemia em nome de vossos filho Jesus 👏👏👏