09 April 2017

Little girl's song

Things are best to do with dad:

to put pearls in row on the sunbeam
to tread out a path in deep snow and mud
to strike a light, to jump through the stream
to pocket the world and take it with us

Kicsi lány éneke

Apuval a legjobb:

Gyöngyöket fűzni a napsugárra
Utat taposni nagy hóba, sárba
Lángot csiholni és messze vinni
A világot titkon zsebre tenni


  1. Hello dearest Edit, your poem is lovely and so are the photos that accompany it. I love the tender colours that embellish the second image.
    The coloured letters made me curious and after some detective work I decided they compose a name. Interestingly, one translator translates the name "Alba" and other "Julius".
    Thank you for your lovely comment today. I love nasal decongestants so much that they inspire me even in photography. :)
    Big hugs! Have a happy new week!

    1. Dear Sara! Your lovely words always make me so happy! Yes, Gyula is my dad's first name. :-) I wrote this little verse for his name-day a year ago. :-)
      Big hugs to you!

  2. your poem is so sweet and touching my friend.
    is this you with your dear dad?
    you have intensive eyes since childhood .

    1. Oh, thank you! You are so kind! Yes, that is me and my dad in the picture. :-)

  3. Lovely photos and beautiful poem!
