16 April 2020

Walk with me in my city (4.)

14 April 2020

Walk with me in my city (3.)

...and a bouquet of tulips from the garden. 🌷🌷🌷

11 April 2020

Walk with me in my city (2.)

These photos were taken at the end of May, in 2018. I took them with my phone. Sorry for their quality. 🙂

08 April 2020

Walk with me in my city (1.)

These photos were taken at the end of May, in 2018. I took them with my phone. Sorry for their quality. 🙂

05 April 2020


It's just like a movie,
as nature goes ahead.
To watch through the window...
It's so weird and so sad.

It's like we have been robbed

of the blooming sweet spring...
Our hugs are waiting for
what the summer will bring.


Mintha film lenne
a kinti világ,
nézzük hogy hervad
a nyíló virág.

Múlik a tavasz,
s nem nyílik a zár,
meglopva várjuk,
majd mit hoz a nyár.