The giraffe has grown very tall.
He sees what is beyond the wall.
This makes him so confused and stressed,
that he never straightens his back.
In the garden there lives a frog.
He decided to write a blog
about that he wanted to jog,
but could not, because of the smog.
This little blue owl has a dream
of having a house at the stream,
which is lovely, cosy, and clean,
with pine wooden walls painted green.
Egy zsiráf, egy béka és egy bagoly
Magasra nőtt a zsiráf,
látja, mi van odaát.
Sosem húzza ki magát,
így leplezi zavarát.
Azt gondolta a béka,
jót tenne most a séta.
De megfájdult a torka,
nagy volt a szmog, kimarta.
A kis bagoly nagy álma,
legyen egy szép faháza.
Piros tető, zöld falak,
közelében friss patak.
Our World Tuesday