The crowd flows slowly, clatters on the square.
Thousands of lights entice into the dusk.
Sweet Christmas scents are all around the air.
Enchanting moment comes and holds me up.
Still-flakes embrace and gently lead me on.
And long ago forgotten thoughts awake.
The voice of bell echoes deep in my soul.
I walk along a road I've left away.
And long ago forgotten thoughts awake.
The voice of bell echoes deep in my soul.
I walk along a road I've left away.
The past knocks on the worn stones of the floor.
Old creaking benches whisper in my ear.
Musing on wonders I just stand alone,
And wish this lovely faith won't disappear.
Old creaking benches whisper in my ear.
Musing on wonders I just stand alone,
And wish this lovely faith won't disappear.
The child who dreams forever endless tale...
I lost her but she will find me today.
Karácsonyi szonett
Zsibongva, lassan áradó tömeg,
S ezernyi fény az alkonyatba csábít.
Fahéjas édes illat ott lebeg
A fák alatt, s a pillanat megállít.
A csönd fehér pihékkel átkarol,
Egy észrevétlen gondolat felébred,
Harang szavára szíved úgy dobol,
S rég elhagyott utakra visz ma lépted.
A Múlt kopog kopott kövek során,
Az ócska pad remegve megnyikordul.
A lelked elmereng a bús csodán,
És tiszta szép hitet zokogva koldul.
Ma újra rád talál az elveszett,
Örök meséket álmodó gyerek.
Christmas lights in Pécs
Skywatch Friday
dVerse ~ Poets Pub