28 June 2017

At the Zoo

When I was around five years old,
I was taken to the Zoo.
I was blond, and small, and shy,
nothing was I dared to do.

A group of older schoolboys stood
next to the cage of monkeys,
"You're ugly!" they mocked the chimps,
"You are ugly!" they chanted.

I threaded my way through them, and
bravely stopped before the bars,
"You're beautiful, beautiful!"
I started to shout aloud.

My grandmother and I

This story was told by my grandmother so many times, but I don't know what happened after that... I'd like to think the boys fell silent, ashamed, but more likely they didn't care about me so much... :D

Photos were taken at Budapest Zoo in 2004.

19 June 2017


In the corner of the garden
the morning still takes a rest,
strews flower petals on the wound
that the dawn cut on my breast.

My desires slowly calm down,
the silence flows, like a stream...
It's the last awakening now,
everything was just a dream...


A kert sarkában megpihen
a délelőtt egy percre.
Virágszirmokat szór, tegyem
a hajnal vágta sebre.

Csöndjét magamon átmosom,
vágyaim elcsitulnak.
Ez most a végső ébredés:
minden más álom volt csak.

04 June 2017


Beyond the town,
where the canola-fields
merge into the sky,
on that turquoise
meadow, the Moon
was a huge, white
Suddenly, a light
breeze arrived:
pale-little moon-fluffs
flew all around,
and thousands of tiny
moon-flowers grew out
from the ground.
I gathered a bouquet
of them - dream-scented -
and now, I'm drying it
carefully on the loft,
so their bright-yellow lights
will remain for the dark,
long winter nights.

Pitypang volt a Hold

A városon túl
a végtelent figyeltem.
Ahol két párhuzamos összeér.
Magasfeszültségű drótok...
Mögöttük a repceföld és az ég
egymásba mosódott,
s a türkiz színű réten
hatalmas pitypang volt
a délutáni Hold.
Egy könnyű szellő
jött hirtelen:
sápadt kis holdpihék
szálltak szerteszét,
s a földből kihajtott sok száz
parányi holdvirág.
Szedtem belőlük
egy maroknyi csokrot,
és most a padláson
szárítom vigyázva:
repcesárga fénye
a sötét éjszakákra.